Should We Trust The Bible?

Is our New Testament text reliable? Some critics doubt that we even have the original New Testament. This issue can only be settled by using bibliographical tests for reliability, similar to what would be used to judge the Iliad or Caesar’s writings. The NT was completely written by baptized Jews1 in the 1st century AD. […]

Why Is God Not Obvious?

There IS Evidence for God!

Why is it that God does not seem to approach in a much more obvious way? One answer has been that God’s existence is not a matter of reality and facts. Isn’t it more of a faith position, anyway? Isn’t it more about a leap in the dark than an embrace of evidence? I would […]

Does life have purpose?

Is there any meaning to this life? Aren’t we just globs of tissue which came about by mindless chance? If so, how can life possibly have purpose?

What is Truth?

Does truth really exist? How can we know? Who is capable of defining truth? In answer to these questions perhaps we could ask, “Does the sun shine? Can water freeze? Is life real?” The answers to these questions demonstrate that truth does in fact exist. These are things that can be verified by scientific testing.

Why so much pain?

Have you ever wondered why there is so much pain and suffering in our world today? If God is good, why is there so much evil? If He is all-powerful, why doesn’t he stop the suffering? Daily headlines remind us of terrorist bombings, senseless school shootings, and parents killing their own children. Have you ever […]

Is there a God?

Many people today are asking, “Is there really a God? How can I know for sure?” If you have doubts, I invite you to gaze in wonder into our starlit skies. Examine the mysteries of the universe. Notice the intriguing perfection of a newborn baby, so filled with life, love, and innocence.

What is after death?

How can one know what happens after death? Have you ever spoken with someone who died and came back to tell you? Doesn’t a person just die and that’s it? Job of old asked the question, “If a man die, shall he live again?” Stephen looked into Heaven. Apostle John recorded his visions of heaven, […]

When the World’s On Fire

FRIENDS, let us face the facts! This world is heading for a terrible day. God has forewarned us and provided a way of escape. If we make the mistake of not being ready, it will be our own fault. “The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which […]

What Are You Living For?

Joe Andrews, now middle-aged, was stopped short one day by the thought, Suppose I got everything I wanted—a better job, a new house, and more leisure time—would I be really satisfied? His honest answer was “No.” For many at middle age, bright hopes and dreams of youth grow dim. Defenses and pretenses begin to crumble. […]

Good News! Freedom!

Jim Wolf (not his real name) spent more than seven years behind bars. But he spent more years than that in the bondage of sin. As a youth, Jim spent much of his time on the street selling drugs, breaking into people’s houses, stealing, lying, cheating. Those years brought a harvest of trouble. Fights. The […]

Arrive Alive!

Foresight or “Farsight?” Tragedy strikes once every ten minutes on American highways. Five motorists die each hour amid twisted steel and shattered glass. Automobile accidents snuff out more than 800 lives every week and approximately 42,000 annually. “Dry statistics,” you say? Perhaps. But that doesn’t keep the odds from stacking up against you. Listen! The […]

What is Truth?

Since the beginning of time, people have pondered the question of what the truth really is about a number of subjects. Do convincing answers exist for questions about where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going when we die? If there are such answers, is it possible for us to […]

The Evidence for CREATION

We live in a fascinating world of awesome beauty and amazing order. Dazzling sunsets, cascading waterfalls, revolving planets, glit­tering stars, and other wonders have capti­vated man’s attention and triggered much curiosity. When did these marvels come into existence? How did it happen? There are ultimately only two alternatives. Either all things have developed from nothing […]

What Jesus Did for Me

When we begin to understand and accept what Jesus Christ has done for us, we will be moved to love Him, to obey Him, to honor Him, to please Him, and to praise Him. Let’s consider a few of the things He has done for us. 1. Jesus became poor . . . Ye know […]

Victory Verses

The Victorious Life … here and now 1. 2 TIMOTHY 4:18, And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 2. 1 CORINTHIANS 10:13, There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: […]

Thursday at Five PM

The nurse was businesslike, yet nice in a “we would like to have your money” sort of way. “Don’t worry about a thing,” she said. “The baby isn’t even formed yet, and the uterus contains only some bloody material.” We were in one of Florida’s newest abortion clinics. My wife and I had decided to […]

The Matchless Pearl

A HEAVY SPLASH was followed by many ripples, and then the water below the pier was still. An American crouched on the low Indian pier, his eyes riveted on the place where a stream of little bubbles rose to the surface from deep under the water. In a moment a black head appeared and a […]

Should I Participate in War?

We live in a world of ever-increasing violence and insecurity. Governments constantly work for agreements, peace, and globalization, but wars and armed conflicts continue to increase. This does not surprise Bible-reading Christians, for Jesus said, “When ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be” […]

Jesus Christ is Coming

Jesus Christ is coming again. The Bible says so. But why is He coming? What will He do when He comes? Why should His coming be important to me or you? To help answer those questions, let’s review why He came the first time. Why Did Jesus Come the First Time? Jesus said about Himself, […]



How long is eternity? No end in sight! No end! Forever and for-ever! What startling words! The life God breathed into man makes man an eternal being-one whose life will never end. Man can hardly comprehend a period of one million years. But let’s try. A thousand years is ten times the life span of […]

Where will you be five minutes after you die?

THIS IS ONE of the most serious questions you will ever have to face. Where will you be five minutes after you die? No one can deny the fact of death. It was Ponce de Leon who came to Florida in 1569 searching for a fountain of water which would bring perpetual youth to all […]

The Simple Facts

The Simple Facts No one can be saved unless he is born again by the power of God’s Spirit. Christ says, “Ye must be born again” (John 3:7). The necessity is absolute—you must be born again. Performing religious rites will not take the place of the new birth. Baptism will not take the place of […]

Peace and Pardon from the Bible

Peace and Pardon From the Bible Thousands of honest individuals are battling a guilt complex and also searching for satisfying answers to life. Perhaps these selected passages of Scripture can help you understand guilt and God’s provision for it. He offers release from guilt and peace of mind. But the wicked are like the troubled […]

Loneliness is God’s Knock

Loneliness Is God’s Knock Yesterday, for one long moment, I had a preview of eternity without God’s love. In that moment, a feeling of intense loneliness came over me as though light had been taken from the world. I seemed to be wandering aimlessly and uncertainly in heavy darkness without direction. An unexplainable fear began […]

You may do as you please

YOU MAY DO AS YOU PLEASE with God now. It is permitted. God placed Himself in men’s hands when He sent Jesus Christ into the world as perfect God and perfect Man in one Being. He was then in man’s hands. They cursed Him. It was permitted. Men spit on Him. God allowed it. They called […]

Have you heard the News?

The Good News! God loves you, and wants you to know and love Him. He offers you peace and joy and a fulfilled life. The Bible says… “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto […]

Born Again

Born Again – What does it mean? To become a Christian It’s common to read or hear about people who claim to be “born again” Christians. But I wonder if most people understand what being born again involves. I’d like to explain. The Bible is really quite clear about what is required to become a […]

Golden Hours with the Bible

If you are hungry at heart, read the Bread Chapter. If your feet are slipping, read the Rock Chapter. If you find yourself getting cross, read the Charity Chapter. Have you many defeats at the hands of Satan? Read the Victory Chapter. Do you lack faith? Read Hebrews 11. Make up your own chapter names. […]

It Doesn’t Matter… Or Does It?

“IT DOESN’T MATTER what you believe, as long as you are sincere.” That’s what a plumbing salesman told me one day—and so many people have said the same thing that it is almost a proverb. We put a premium on sincerity, because it’s so rare in this age of sham. We all admire the sincere […]

Headed the Wrong Way

Is the route you are traveling taking you away from God? If so, it’s time to make a U-turn. God asks you to repent—to do an about-face. If you don’t, the consequences will be disastrous. God calls us to repent. God says that unless you repent you will perish (Luke 13:3). No one can have […]

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