July 30, 2019
Good Morning Fellow Travelers,
Read: 1 Peter 3:1-12
“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.” 1 Peter 3:7
Are you the husband of a wife? Or the wife of a husband? Possibly you are not married, or maybe you were married and are no longer. Whatever the case, these following words reveal a little of the mind of God for marriage. A meditation on this Scripture may be of help to all of us in our various relationships, but especially in the context of the close bond of husband and wife. Peter relates the effectiveness of our prayers to how we treat our wives. This should be sobering to every husband.
The message of verses 1 to 6 are expressly for wives. Wives are called to obedience and subjection. A wife like this can actually lead a disobedient husband to salvation. As they see your chaste life, your spiritual adornment, the beauty of your uncorrupted heart, and your meekness and quietness, they can be compelled to be an Abraham to their Sarah. How wonderful!
As husbands, you are called to understand your wife’s nature and personality. You are called to honor your Sarah. This would mean that you would respect her for who she is. You would never by your neglect, force her into a role that she is not called to fill. You will honor her role as a mother, tender and true to her children. You will honor and respect her as your mate for life and never by wandering eyes or heart defraud her in any way. You will honor the grace you share in Christ.
Any careless attitude on our part, as husbands, toward our wives, hinders our prayers. Actions like giving her the silent treatment, ignoring her needs, retorting angrily and such like, devastate your relationship with her and bar heaven’s door. Is this what you want?
~~ James Baer