God’s Amazing Design! Male and Female

Mark 10:6 says, “But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.”

“God created man in his own image . . . male and female created he them” (Genesis 1:27). Instead of making humans simply as machines, God designed details and systems that boggle our minds. The more we study the human make-up, the more we see intricacies between male and female. Not only are there distinct physical differences but also emotional differences.

Usually men are made to be stronger physically than women. The drive of men to work hard and to provide is a blessing to the human race. On the other hand, women often provide the much-needed tender touch.

God made men to function well when they feel needed, trusted, and appreciated. Women function well when they feel cared for and protected. Male and female contribute to the well-being of the other when they recognize and value these needs and differences. To deny these realities is self-destructive.

Presently there are many mixed up ideas regarding gender identity. Some people are trying to figure out if they are male or female or even something other than male or female. They believe they may have been given a faulty identity. Then they enter uncharted waters to figure out how to adapt to their feelings or fantasies.

The minimization of distinct male/female qualities has blurred the line and brought disorder.  While there is absolutely no difference in value, the Bible gives man the responsibility to lead and the woman to work alongside. They are to honor the other and give place for each other. When people try to be something other than who they are as male or female, they chart a course away from God to their own harm.

Chance did not bring about male and female in this world. We are blessed by the beautiful design God has created.


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