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Billboard Locations


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11 Responses

  1. Since billboard are banned in Alaska, Hawaii, Maine and Vermont, it is disappointing to see you have put “stars” in locations within those states on your map. If I can’t trust you to be truthful about something so benign, why should I trust you about something as important as my salvation?

    1. Amy, You are correct that some states do not allow billboards. The following link on our website explains what happens when billboards are replaced by banners and small signs. We appreciate your comment and pray you will find salvation through Jesus Christ. https://gospelbillboards.org/caller-questions/#squelch-taas-accordion-shortcode-content-1. This information is located at GospelBillboards.org in the tan banner “About Us” then “Caller Questions” Blessing Today

  2. I am near Redding California in a town called Cottonwood. What does it take to get a billboard up in our area? My wife and I might want to do some fund raising.

    1. Go to our website, gospelbillboards.org, leave a comment about funding a billboard in your area. You can also go to Christian Aid ministries in Berlin, Oh. There is quarterly newsletter available concerning all of CAM mission projects.

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