There is evidence for God!

There was once a young boy who spent much time in the forests behind his home. He hunted and fished with his father and generally enjoyed all aspects of nature. A lot of time was spent watching deer, turkey, rabbits, squirrels, possum, and waterfowl. One thing he often looked for in the forest was the […]


The total solar eclipse – where the moon completely blocks the face of the sun – visible over a large area of North America on April 8, 2024, has generated an understandably large amount of interest. While such events of totality occur somewhere on the globe about every 18 months, this is the last one […]

The Evidence for God

People often ask, “Can you prove to me that there is a God?” One man angrily demanded, “If there is a God and He wants me to believe in Him; then why doesn’t he come down here and show himself so that I can believe?” Yet, one wonders, even if God had suddenly appeared in […]

The Evidence for CREATION

We live in a fascinating world of awesome beauty and amazing order. Dazzling sunsets, cascading waterfalls, revolving planets, glit­tering stars, and other wonders have capti­vated man’s attention and triggered much curiosity. When did these marvels come into existence? How did it happen? There are ultimately only two alternatives. Either all things have developed from nothing […]

The Message of Origins

Everything began somewhere. Right? This thoughtful presentation will point you in a direction many are rejecting today. You owe it to yourself to hear this side of the story.

Who created this?

Genesis 1:1 (KJV) “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Have you ever gazed into the heavens and wondered, how did it get there? Did all those trillions of stars and millions of galaxies actually result from some humongous explosion of gases in outer space eons ago? Have you ever wondered from […]

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