Real Christian Community: love AND truth

Most people instinctively crave meaningful relationships.  For some, this inner longing distorts reality, and subsequent wrong choices result in a lifetime of grief.   For the authentic disciple of Jesus, God uses this divinely-placed, innate desire for relationship to His glory.  Christians who live in close proximity to each other and frequently engage in worship and […]

LOVE JESUS?  Joyfully obey Him!

In today’s world, love is often misrepresented and undervalued to the point where many of us may have little idea what true love is. The Bible is not silent on this topic, and neither is the One who is the greatest expression of such love.  That One, of course, is Jesus, of whom the Bible […]

Equality, Investigation and Perfection

Are all religions equal? Many people insist they are, but upon what basis are these claims made? Do all roads really lead to Heaven? Or Nirvana? Or Jannah? What about the happy hunting grounds? Or wherever it is the proponents of a particular philosophy seem to aspire to attain? How may one determine whether the […]

Serve the poor like JESUS did

They will feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the strangers, clothe the poor, visit the sick, and nurture the captives.

REALLY? Dare to Investigate!

It is a sad testimony for a person to be ignorant, and it’s even sadder for that person to be deliberately ignorant. Yet many supposedly-intelligent people choose that very approach to the most-basic facets of their existence. The Bible speaks of those individuals when it says, “They deliberately overlook this fact [of the beginning of […]

Who is God?

Who is God? Good question to ask, don’t you think? Listen to this 17 minute talk on God to get some answers to this vital question.

Why Is God Not Obvious?

There IS Evidence for God!

Why is it that God does not seem to approach in a much more obvious way? One answer has been that God’s existence is not a matter of reality and facts. Isn’t it more of a faith position, anyway? Isn’t it more about a leap in the dark than an embrace of evidence? I would […]

Loneliness is God’s Knock

Loneliness Is God’s Knock Yesterday, for one long moment, I had a preview of eternity without God’s love. In that moment, a feeling of intense loneliness came over me as though light had been taken from the world. I seemed to be wandering aimlessly and uncertainly in heavy darkness without direction. An unexplainable fear began […]

God’s Stop Signs

Life, like traffic on a city beltway, runs on and on. For a few hours each night, it slows. But most of the time it goes ahead full tilt. Some people get in the wrong lane and go where they don’t want to go. Others are totally lost. Accidents are frequent. Hectic is normal. But […]

Confession and Forgiveness

Do you ever wonder how you can be forgiven of your sins? Forgiven so completely that you are no longer guilty? God tells us how. 1. Confession is necessary if we wish God’s forgiveness. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all […]

Can God Help Me?

Certainly He Can Do you sometimes feel God doesn’t care about you? Did you know that God really DOES care about your life, your health, your finances, your relationships, and your inner struggles? But even more, He loves you and cares about your soul. He wants to make Himself known to you through His Son […]

Guilty or Forgiven?

GUILTY –or– FORGIVEN? “How do you plead?” the judge asked. I swallowed. I hadn’t realized how difficult this would be. “Guilty,” I answered. I would have liked to explain, to say that I am usually very law-abiding, to show how circumstances were different this time. But I knew the judge had probably heard every excuse […]

Can I Find Peace With God? Here’s How!

Two healthy, clean-cut young men, Dr. Westman and Jack Strong, met while flying westward across the nation and became fast friends when they found they were graduates of the same university. After an interesting conversation about their school, a serious discussion arose. It all began when the doctor, after a pause in the conversation, asked, […]

Jesus, your only way to God

Jesus is your only way to God. Which road are you on? And where is it taking you? All roads end somewhere, but only one road takes you to heaven. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”

Have YOU lost faith in God?

Have you lost your faith in God? Does life seem cruel and unfair? Do you wonder if God even exists? Read these accounts of others with similar struggles.

What Every Person Needs to Know!

Do you have questions about God? About Jesus? About the Bible? About Sin? Do you wonder how to be saved and be ready to meet God? This post is for you…

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