Blank Check

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In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6

Suppose you take a check out of your checkbook and write only your signature on it. How many people would you trust enough to give that check to? Probably not very many. 

The story is told of a young man who was genuinely converted and was rejoicing in God’s forgiveness and mercy. In sincere gratitude he compiled an extensive list of the changes he was going to make in his life. It included an impressive number of good and selfless deeds he would do, as well as various evils he would forsake. But when he presented his list to the Lord, he was greatly disappointed to have it rejected with a simple, “I’m sorry. I can’t accept this.” 

Discouraged but not defeated, the young man redoubled his efforts. He completely rearranged his former list and added many more items to it. But the second list was also rejected. 

In desperation, the youth made a third attempt. He took a large, blank sheet of paper, signed his name at the bottom, and presented it to the Lord. With an approving smile, the Lord responded, “This I can accept.” 

This imaginary account should cause us to ponder some serious questions. Do we ask God to bless our will, or are we committed to doing His will, regardless what it is? Do we trust God enough to give Him such a blank check? Or do we have some reservations about what He may require if we lay everything on the altar? 

We might feel there’s too great a risk in taking such a drastic step, but doing it brings great blessings and eternal rewards. And really, our Lord won’t accept anything less. 

So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:33

~ Pete Lewis 


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